Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What can you do to help prevent pollution?

It is question which was given by my teacher. Actually there were 4 question and she said that which one I would like to answer it and select it. So, I should answer what I think about it and I am going to talk about it at least 60 second.

Let's practice it in here.

Question: What can you do to help prevent pollution?

Pollution is when water, air or land become very dirty. There are 3 different types of pollution effecting different areas in the world.

 Pollution is mainly the result of human activities. And small things we do everyday can help diminish  pollution and improve the protection of the environment as well as human health.

There are some important but also easy things on what we can to help prevent pollution.

First one is that we take public transportation. If you chose to take car rather than public transportation, you will emit several times more (about 25 times more) co2 emission.

Second one is saving electricity. Don't leave your electronic devices on stand-by mode. Shut them off completely and also you will save %10 of your bills.

Third and last one is don't waste clean water unnecessary.
use the minimum amount of water needed for a bath and start dishwashers and clothes washers only when they are fully loaded. 

Thank you for listening. (Or reading.. ) :)

I guess it takes more than 60 seconds.. 

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